An important part of this consultation was dedicated to the practices of misleading directory companies. If so, does it not deem it necessary to ask the Italian Government to provide regular updates on all VAT assessments? The Commission does not possess information on the project mentioned by the Honourable Member and therefore it is not possible to identify, at this stage, any breach of the abovementioned Directives. Finalmente os dois prisioneiros foram libertados por falta de provas. There are, however, Member States, such as the Netherlands, which have implemented such systems.
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Does the Commission believe that the current legislation and limits concerning the sweetener Sorbitol are sufficiently accurate and safe for public health? However, despite the hundreds of listed buildings in Greece, the majority of which have great cultural importance, private owners are not eligible to be direct beneficiaries of co-financing by the ERDF and therefore, they are not able to use money from Community funds for the restoration of culturally important buildings.
Is de Commissie bereid een gemeenschappelijk standpunt voor te bereiden over deze kwestie ten behoeve van de eerstvolgende Raad van ministers van Buitenlandse Zaken? The Commission does not however have at its disposal information on the cooperation of local health authorities and NGOs, nor on the results of the abovementioned collaboration. Has all the poisoned Sorbitol been traced?
Deposit return system for plastic bottles. Montevideo Portal em espanhol. The Commission is not in the possession of specific information regarding the magnitude of possible social problems in Italy related to the use of slot machines.

NovaChannel was previously a Swiss-registered company, and its practices were being investigated by the Swiss Office of Fair Trading. But because Hamas does not acknowledge Abbas, this consent has never been given.
Imigração italiana no Uruguai
It is already clear that the situation regarding democracy and human rights in Vietnam, still a Communist one-party state, will not be among the topics discussed at the negotiations. Het lag dus voor de hand dat het aspect democratie en mensenrechten aan bod zou komen, maar dat blijkt niet het geval te zijn. Similarly, the current European Regional Development programmes operating in 1 the Southern and Eastern and 2 the Border, Midland and Western regions of Ireland provide no possibility for funding of such support measures.
Given the highly unusual social conditions that are arising in the context of dealing with fiscal imbalances, how is this situation affecting the mental and physical health of children?
The Commission continuously monitors the human rights situation in Turkey.
The next logical question relates to how other voluntary activities are to be evaluated such as trainers in sports clubs, or people who play an active role in other organisations. Since the Treaty of Lisbon entered into force, trade policy has been part of foreign policy.
To sozjnhos extent can the experience of Cyprus be taken as a productive and efficient example for the other Member States? Their lives are governed by unpredictability: Si tel n'est pas le cas, la Commission l'envisage-t-elle? Hoe garandeert de Europese Commissie accurate controle als additieven lukraak op veilingssites kunnen worden aangeboden?

According to the World Health Organisation, autism is a pervasive developmental disorder which affects around 1 in children.
Restructuring of the CENI, the setting up of a constitutional court and implementing an audit of the electoral lists are considered key priorities in the short term.
EUR-Lex - JOC___E__01 - EN - EUR-Lex
On the contrary, the Commission's reply underlined the importance of taking full account of the special characteristics of the activities in question.
Wordt het principe van de vrije meningsuiting verdedigd? EU family law relating ceciilia children is limited to common rules on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of existing judgments in another Member State. Is cecilis Commission aware that school bus services subsidised by the Irish State are not in fact put out to tender?
Can the Commission state whether any assessment has been made of the impact of the proposed changes on European efforts to develop new technologies with which to generate energy for the automotive industry? Does the Commission consider the actions taken by the Greek authorities to be adequate? Who is being invited to attend? Does the Commission intend to conduct a detailed check on conditions in the market in question in Member States so as to identify irregularities and omissions that are detrimental to consumers?
La Commissione ha trattato 40 petizioni in relazione a questo tema formulate dal Parlamento europeo cecilja 49 interrogazioni dallo stesso presentate cceilia temi connessi allo Jugendamt.
Are they to be used on the basis of existing operational programmes or is there to be a reprogramming?
Edizioni della Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli. If a production error can lead to such a great risk for public health, as in the case of Sorbitol Food Grade 5Kg, does the Commission still consider this sweetener safe enough for the European market?

In Italy, as in other Member States, the social problems and illnesses associated with gambling are evident. Reconciliation and justice go hand in hand, and should be ensured within the framework of the basic principles of the separation of powers and the respect of Suriname's international commitments.
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